Subcontractors who are pro-active in finding project leads will be much better positioned to filling their job logs.
Don’t wait to be invited to bid a project. Let the BX find them for you! Our members can view projects throughout Ohio and beyond by
tailoring searches to your territory or trade. This saves valuable time and focuses on the perfect projects.
Streamline your processes! Perform online take-offs with our cloud-based Toolbox plan viewer.
Get noticed! Add yourself to bidder’s lists so prime contractors know you’re interested in the project. When it’s time to bid, access a complete bidder’s list
so you can send your quote to everyone involved.
Educate your team! Train your staff through our educational offerings such as blueprint reading and basic construction estimating.
Informational webinars and seminars are held throughout the year to provide continuous educational guidance.
If you’re ready to start experiencing what a Builders Exchange, Inc. membership can bring to your company, see for yourself by starting a free trial today!
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